La nostra è una piccola ditta artigianale nata nel 1999 da una grande passione per il modellismo ferroviario ed il vapore vivo.
Tutti i nostri
modelli, realizzati in piccole serie, sono interamente in metallo. I vari
pezzi in ottone, alpacca e Dopo una progettazione assistita da CAD, sulla base di disegni originali e numerose foto scattate dal vero, vengono realizzate le pellicole, affidate poi a ditte esterne per la realizzazione delle lastre fotoincise. I vari pezzi vengono staccati uno ad uno, piegati, rifiniti e assemblati mediante saldatura a stagno. Il modello viene poi completato con vari particolari in microfusione di ottone. Segue poi una pulitura e sgrassatura del modello con lavatrice ad ultrasuoni, prima della fase di verniciatura eseguita a spruzzo. Vengono infine eseguite le varie scritte e filettature col metodo della Tampografia. |
Our artisan company was founded in 1999 by a large passion for model railways and live steam. Our whole production was born and raised in our laboratory. All of our models are entire in brass and nickel silver. The several pieces of brass, nickel silver and copper are obtained through photo etching process and lost-wax casting. After a design with CAD, which is based on original drawings and a lot of photos taken live, the films are realized and then entrusted to external companies for the realization of the plates photoengraved. The pieces are detached one by one, bent, finisched and assembled with soldering. The model is then completed with various details in casting brass. Afterwards it is performed a cleaning and a degreasing of the model with an ultrasonic washing machine, before the painting step performed by spraying. Finally they are carried out the various written with the pad printing process and the various finishings made to brush. |